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No Advertising/Self-Promotion Policy In Forums

Toys N Bricks

Please note the following as stated in our Terms & Conditions

Advertising/Self-Promotion: Do not register for the purpose of advertising (especially online competitor sites). This include(s), but not limited to promoting your online site or online business. You are not allowed to put your affiliate/referral/commission links in your posts, topics or profile. We do however allow offline LEGO events and activities to be posted and shared. 

The Toys N Bricks community LEGO fan forums is not a place for you to advertise. It was created to allow discussions about LEGO and to share interesting LEGO topics. Topics and posts that do not follow these rules will be removed without notice. If the user continues to post these ads and have not obtained prior approval from a forum administrator, it may result in a warning note added to your profile. Further action may result in a potential ban. If you are unsure if your topic/post is ok, you can always reach out to us. 

If you would like to advertise on Toys N Bricks, please get in touch with us. We can discuss about advertising rates and placement options. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 🙂